Apurva Nair

Partner, Oliver Wyman

A Partner with the Private Equity practice, Apurva is a leader in our post-deal value-creation team. He drives enterprise value by delivering tangible financial benefit to clients in accelerated time frames. He has a dual focus on driving the bottom line via strategic sourcing and transactional pricing, and organic top-line revenue growth via sales analytics.  

Years of experience extracting insights from unstructured environments have underscored one key message: complexity breeds opportunity. Therefore, I am undaunted by claims of processes being too complex or resistant to impactful change. If it was easy, everyone would do it. As strategy consultants, we must take pride in solving the tough challenges and developing optimal, practical strategies that maximize enterprise value.

During his time at Dartmouth, Apurva went through what he describes as a “brief bout of academic masochism,” working toward a PhD in Applied Mathematics. He soon escaped the clutches of the academic world, earning Master’s degrees in Decision Theory/Statistics/Quantitative Modeling and in Engineering Management, both from Dartmouth. Apurva also has an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering. Exposure to management consulting during graduate school helped him realize that his penchant for quantitative problem solving and natural leaning towards client relationship-building would be best harnessed in a career as a strategy consultant.

Prior to joining Oliver Wyman, Apurva served as Partner and COO for a boutique firm with operations in the US, Europe, and Asia. Working in this boutique environment shaped his approach to project delivery, which is very hands-on. In addition to his key responsibilities of problem solving and guiding project direction, Apurva often involves himself in the granular details, lending valuable support to the execution team across several areas. Over the course of his career, he has developed a well-deserved reputation for keeping projects and teams on task, and always delivering outstanding tangible value to clients.

To those entering consulting, Apurva’s advice is to keep an open mind and not silo into one industry or type of consulting too early, to focus on problem solving, and to never underestimate the power of an early morning workout to cure jetlag. 

Away from his desk, you can find Apurva running or playing cricket. Having been on the fringes of the US national team in years past, he plays at least one tournament abroad annually, and has checked off 10 countries so far.