Crispin Ellison

Partner, Oliver Wyman

Crispin is a Partner in Oliver Wyman’s Health and Life Sciences and Public Policy practices. He advises senior government and health decision-makers on policy, strategy, performance improvement, and cost reduction. 

He has worked with top government and parliamentary decision makers in the UK, the EU, and the Middle East. His clients include central government departments in the UK,  EU commissioners and their teams, the UK National Health Service, and GCC governments. Based in London, he typically spends one week a month in the Middle East.

Relevant Experience:

  • For the UK Prime Minister’s office, identified new care models for health and community care to deliver significant improvements in the quality of healthcare and patient experience while saving some 15% costs per annum from a £130bn budget.  This work drew on best practice innovation in public and private sectors globally, as well as lessons learned in implementing major change initiatives.
  • For the UK Cabinet Office, supported the assessment of cross government back-office efficiency, including HR, IT, Finance, Procurement, consultancy/contactor management, and property. The review included benchmarking with the private sector and other governments and identifying innovative ways of delivery (eg. Government Digital Service). The programme now delivers £15bn savings per annum.
  • For the UK Cabinet Office, acted as interim leader of Efficiency and Reform Group (permanent secretary level appointment), responsible for the team of 500 at the centre of the UK government, delivering above programme and working directly with the UK Cabinet Minister responsible for the Cabinet Office. 
  • For a number of local health economies within the NHS in England, standing up new patient-centric care models by introducing proven care models from other countries, customising them to local needs, and then implementing them.
  • For NHS England, supported a major programme to drive patient safety, drawing upon best practices from outside the healthcare sector to address the challenge of culture and leadership behaviour change.
  • For a GCC country, developed a 20-year national vision covering all aspects of government.For a GCC government ministry of the interior, supported a review in 2012 of governance, control, culture, and ethics in security and police forces.   

Prior to joining Oliver Wyman, Crispin was a partner at Corven, and before that at KPMG LLP.  He has a degree in Geology from Sheffield University.